Academic Rules and Regulations
  Attendance Policy:
Preston faculty is required to record student attendance and submit such records to the Administration. A student's grade in a class may suffer as the result of not attending classes on a regular basis. Students not attending at least 70%of the classes in a subject will not be allowed to sit for the final examination. A student being absent from the class for three or more sessions for "unexcused reasons "will be notified in writing that he or she will automatically be dropped from the class roll and awarded a (withdrawal) grade UNLESS  


That student notifies the university in writing for his or her intention to continue with the class; AND,
That student makes satisfactory arrangements with the instructor to make up the missed assignments. However, there is no substitute for missed quizzes.
  Student Dismissal:


A student will be dismissed from class any one of the following reasons:  

The student has three or more unexcused absences(see Attendance Policy)  
The student's behavior in class is disruptive  
The student is found to be cheating on class assignments ,exams ,or written papers  
The student is found to help another student cheat on class assignments ,exams , or written papers  


  Dismissal from Degree Program:

A student will be dismissed from a degree program if the GPA (Grade Point Average) falls below the required minimum GPA and the student fails to raise the GPA to the minimum requirement following a mandatory probationary period.  

  Dismissal from University:
A student may be dismissed from the University for any One of the following reasons:
Providing the university with false enrollment information or forged documents
Repeated disruptive behavior in classes or in the precincts of the University  

Cheating or aiding another student in cheating or class assignments, exams or written papers  

Failure to maintain the minimum required GPA for a degree program following a mandatory probationary period. 


  Minimum GPA Requirement

The grade-point average (GPA)is measured on a scale of 0-4. The minimum cumulative GPA requirement for all bachelor's degree programs is 2.0 and for master's degree program is 2.2.If the cumulative GPA falls below this requirement ,the student must repeat appropriate courses to raise the GPA to the minimum required level, in order to be eligible for the award of degree.  


  Semester/Quarter Progression
In the bachelor’s degree programs, if a student is awarded non-passing grades (F,W,I) in more than two subjects, the student will not be promoted to the next semester of the program and will be required to repeat the subject which he/she failed to pass, in the following semester, in addition to being placed on probation. In case of up to two subjects with non-passing grades, the student will be allowed to be promoted to the next semester on probation and will be required to repeat the subjects, which he/she failed to pass, in the following semester.

In the master’s degree programs, if a student is awarded non passing grades (F,W, I) in more in more than one subject, the student will not be promoted to the next semester/ quarter of the program and will be required to repeat the subjects, which he/she failed to pass, in the following semester/quarter, in addition to being placed on probation. In case of only one subject with a non passing grade, the student will be allowed to promoted to the next semester/quarter on probation and will be will be required to repeat the subject, which he/she failed o pass, in the following semester/quarter.


A student is required to continually maintain the minimum GPA requirement for the degree program concerned. Should the GPA fall below the minimum requirement at the end of semester or quarter, the student will be placed on probation in the following semester or quarter. If the student fails to attain the minimum GPA level in the following semester/quarter. Should a student be unable to improve the GPA to the minimum level, after two consecutive semesters/quarters on probation, he/she dropped from the program.