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Apply Online for Exam Preston University

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How to Apply Online for Examination?

To Open Online Portal

It is informed to all students that all Examination Authorizations Forms will be submitted online to the concerned Program Officers/ Program Coordinators

Click below link to open Student Exam Portal


Preston University how to login for student portal to apply online for exam Islamabad lahore karachi kohat campus pakistan

Signup to send Account Request:

Preston University how to signup for student portal to apply online for exam Preston University Islamabad karachi kohat campus pakistan

Login by Reg# & Password:

Preston University how to signup for student portal to apply online for exam Preston University Islamabad karachi kohat campus pakistan

Signup & Login for Student Exam Portal

Step-1: For using Student Portal you need to send Signup request for an account. Administration will activate your login account after data verification. You will receive an email after verification.

Step-2: You can login by using your Registration Number and password you set to use student portal

Step-3: You can reset your password by entering Reg# and CNIC. New password will be sent to your email.

Step-4: For any technical assistant please feel free to contact IT Dept. on Phone#: 051-8491300 Ext: 236 or 237

Open Exam Application Form and Enter your Courses

Step-1: Select 'Apply for Examination' from top menu.

Step-2: Select an announced exam from list, you need to select Examination name carefully for which you want to apply.

Step-3: Select name of your coordinator name from list to process it for verification & authorization.

Step-4: You need to select course name from list, date and time slot for your paper will be automatically selected. After selecting a course, press ADD button to add course name to your application (Showing downing in the table). One by one, you need to add your courses from the list for which you are interested to apply for examination.

Step-5: For Retake Exam or Makeup Exams date/time will be selected manually by students. You need to enter approved date/time for Retake Exam.

Step-6: Your application will be in ‘Pending’ status before verification by coordinator, you can view & also edit your application from next tab (Exam Application View/Edit) and to fill-up form (add all required courses again) to update your application. (You can’t edit your exam appli once verify by coordinator Status ‘verify’.

Open Online Application Form:

Image for how to Open online Exam Application form Preston University Islamabad kohat campus pakistan

Fill Up Online Application Form:

Image for how to fill up entery online Exam Application form Preston University Islamabad kohat campus pakistan

View/Edit Online Application Form:

Image for how to View or edit your submited online Exam Application form Preston University Islamabad kohat campus pakistan

Online Diploma Examination Process - See Manual Document

Preston University having Online LMS System, where Diploma student get study material and appear for Online Exam on Preston University LMS System

Click to Download Online Exam Instruction PDF Manual Document

Examination Grading System

Students in all programs are grades according to a unified grading system. The percentage points corresponding to a particular grade and its verbal description are given below:

Grade Points Range Description
A 4 80% & above Excellent
B 3 70-79% Very Good
C 2 60-69% Satisfactory
D 1 50-59% Below Average
F 0 Below 50% Fail

As a student of Preston University you have access to a whole range of facilities and services to help you succeed in your studies and enjoy your time at the university. To meet the changing needs of our students, we are continually updating facilities in our computer labs, workshops, class-rooms, career management centers and libraries.

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