Qawwali Night Event 2024
University Events
Preston University - Recongnized by HEC
Stand second in "Techno Moot Business Plan Competition" organized by Comsats Abbotabad, after a neck-and-neck fight.
Pestonians yet again earned laurels for Preston University by winning second position in "Techno Moot Business Plan Competition" organized by Comsats Abbotabad on May 11, 2014. They beat their counterparts after a neck-and-neck fight.
The event comprised of an exciting and comprehensive Business Plan Competition. The referenced event was held at the Abbotabad Campus of Comsats. A total of 14 teams representing universities from northern Pakistan participated in the competition. Eeminent among them were Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) Rawalpindi, Preston University Islamabad, Comsats Abbotabad, Islamia College and University Peshawar, Comsats Attock, Hazara University, University of Sawabi, University of Haripur and Sarhad University.
Keeping up to its traditions, the students of Preston University fought its way up and stood out conspicuously in the competition. The team of Preston University ‘Nature’s Call’ comprising of Nabila Iqbal and Naseem Farwa Kazmi unleashed their entrepreneurial skills to grab second position in the competition after a neck-and-neck fight. They missed the first position just by 0.06 marks. For their outstanding performance in ‘Techno Moot Business Plan Competition’ the Preston University team was awarded a shield and cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- . Mr. Hassan Nisar (Director Naimat Pvt. Ltd) who was the Chief Guest at the prize distribution ceremony presented the awards to the winning teams.
Chancellor Preston University, Dr. Abdul Basit profoundly congratulated Prestonians Nabila Iqbal and Naseem Farwa Kazmi on their remarkable win at ‘Techno Moot Business Plan Competition’ organized by Comsats Abbotabad. He also eulogized the efforts of team leader Prof. Humayun Shuja for his contribution towards building the knowledge and skills of the students in entrepreneurship development.
© Preston University Pakistan