Qawwali Night Event 2024
University Events
Preston University - Recongnized by HEC
International Day for Disaster Reduction, held every 13 October, celebrates “How people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters”. The 2017 edition continues under the “Sendai Seven” campaign, centred on the seven targets of the Sendai Framework. This year's focus is Target B: Reducing the number of affected people by disasters by 2030.
Disaster Research Institute (DRI), Preston University Kohat, was the only academic Institute /University from Pakistan, to attend all the sessions of Sendai, Japan, in March, 2015. Home Safe Home: Reducing Exposure, Reducing Displacement UNISDR has declared an 2017 International Day for Disaster Reduction.
In line with the policy of DRI and Preston University Kohat, to be active partners of UNISDR and international community; International Day for Disaster Reduction was celebrated on Thursday October 26, 2017 at 11:00am, at Disaster Research Institute (DRI), Preston University Kohat, Islamabad campus Auditorium.
Prof . Dr Baloch, Executive Director, DRI, delivered public awareness lecture - How Earthquake Occurs?, Scales of earthquake measurement, How to be Prepared for the an Earthquake ?, Do's and Don'ts during and after an earthquake. This was followed by mock evacuation drill.
Disaster Research Institute (DRI), Preston University Kohat, Islamabad campus regularly celebrates International Day for Disaster Reduction, declared by UNISDR; pays homage to the victims of deadly 2005 earthquake. Regularly attends national and International events of Disaster Reduction, like
(i) UNISDR conference October 2007, Bangkok; (ii) International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (ICEEDM08), April 14-15, 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia; attended short course on “ Performance Based Design, in conjunction with ICEEDM08
(iii) World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi,19-21 January 2009; (iv) IDRC Davos-July 2010, Attended course on DRR; (v) GP-3, UNISDR-2011-Geneva;(vi) The 6th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction; Bangkok, Thailand June
22-26, 2014 / Bangkok, Thailand, (vii) 2015 WCDRR- March, 2015, Sendai, Japan.
DRI has published a number of Research papers and studies.
Besides six month diploma in DRM; MS (Two Years) in Disaster Risk management, Environment Management , occupational Health and Safety are offered.
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