Qawwali Night Event 2024
University Events
Preston University - Recongnized by HEC
Preston University and the Youth Association of Pakistan jointly organized a one-day seminar on "Kashmir Dispute: Pakistan's Way Forward". The referenced event was held at Preston University, Islamabad on Saturday 28, 2019. The main purpose of organizing the seminar was to shed light on the future course of action of Pakistan, after the August 5 Indian aggression in Kashmir and the situation arising from the illegal imposition of curfew in the occupied territory.
Mr. Ali Muhammad Khan, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs was the Chief Guest at the seminar. He informed the youth about Pakistan's future policy on Kashmir. The Guest of honour of the seminar was Acting President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Speaker of the AJK Legislative Assembly, Shah Ghulam Qadir. In his address he paid tribute to the Government of Pakistan's for its strong stand and efforts on the issue of IoK at national and international level.
Former Pakistan Ambassador to India, Abdul Basit informed the participants of India's ambitions vis-à-vis occupied Kashmir on the basis of his extensive diplomatic experience. He also highlighted Pakistan's recent diplomatic move on the issue.
Chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organization, Ms. Mashal Malik informed the participants of the ongoing occupation of India, for fifty-five days, and urged them to raise their voice against Indian oppression in Kashmir through social media.
Dr. Abdul Basit, Chancellor of Preston University while addressing the youth of the region, laid particular emphasis on the rights of the Kashmiris and the grave problems they were confronting in their daily lives due to India’s belligerence in the held territory.
Addressing to the conference, founder Chairman of the Youth Association of Pakistan, Mr. Abdul Qadir said that the issue of Kashmir should be resolved on human rights grounds to ensure lasting peace in the region.
Advocate Khawaja Sajjad Ahmed, while explaining the sentiments of Kashmiris in the best way, demanded that the Government of Pakistan take practical steps regarding Kashmir. Member of the Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad, Ms. Munira Javed congratulated the team for holding a successful seminar on Kashmir.
Addressing the international community and the United Nations, Ahsan Nawaz Khan, President of the Youth Association of Pakistan, said that the world should realize its responsibility vis-à-vis the Kashmir issue. He said the Security Council should take immediate cognizance of the current rapidly deteriorating situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir and ensure immediate restoration of the fundamental rights of the Kashmiris.
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