Preston University - Recongnized by HEC

P-GET (MPhil) and P-GET Adv. (PhD) Test Date Announced

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P-GET (MPhil) and P-GET Adv. (PhD) Test Date Announced

This is to inform you all MS/MPhil & PhD students that the Preston University is going to conduct (Preston Graduate Entry Test) P-GET & P-GET Adv, Tests. The Test for the MS/MPhil i.e. P-GET will be conducted on Friday 4th Sept, 2015 (3:00 pm to 5:00 pm) while the test for PhD i.e. P-GET Adv. Test will be conducted on Saturday 5th sept, 2015 (2:00 pm to 3:00 pm) at all campuses of Preston University.

The Test fee is 1,000/- Last date of registration for the test id 31th aug, 2015.

For Registration, contact your respective Course Coordinators.


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