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Preston University Organizes Condolence Reference in Memory of late Mr. Naeemul Haque Special Assist

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Preston University Organizes Condolence Reference in Memory of late Mr. Naeemul Haque Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Political Affairs

Speakers pay glowing tribute to the staunch PTI veteran and a close associate of PM Imran Khan

A Condolence Reference was held at Preston University in memory of late Naeemul Haque, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Political Affairs and a staunch PTI veteran and a close associate of the PM. The reference was jointly organized by Preston University and the Archaeological and Historical Association of Pakistan (AHAP) on March 5, 2020. Some high profile personalities and the faculty and students of Preston University were conspicuous by their presence at the Reference. Malik Amin Aslam, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Climate Change was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Eminent among the speakers who spoke and shed light on the life and achievements of late Naeemul Haque were Mr. Amanul Haque, S/o. late Mr. Naeemul Haque, Dr. Abdul Basit, Chancellor Preston University, Dr. Ghazanfar Mehdi, Chairman Archaeological and Historical Association of Pakistan (AHAP), and Dr. Riaz Ahmed, Secretary General AHAP.     


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